Marc Riley was arrested on suspicion of murder on 27th of January 2009 at about 14:00 this was 2 days after my sister had called Trowbridge police station and the investigation in to a missing person was set up. He was taken to Melksham police station in Wiltshire and questioned. Over the next 3 days he gave this abbreviated account of what had happened at my mothers house some 20 days previous.
He had been lodging at my mothers house since October 2008, where he rented the upstairs room for £300 per month. He viewed the room one morning in October and that afternoon with his mothers help, moved in.

On the 3rd of January mum returned from Surrey after spending Christmas with us, Riley and Carr Burstow were both at her home in Trowbridge when she arrived. They had enjoyed the Christmas and New Year period at her home now mums arrival had disturbed their cosy little lives together. From the moment she arrived Carr Burstow was locked in Riley’s upstairs room unable to use the bathroom, or any other facilities that he had become used to. Riley had become his feeder and guardian protecting him from discovery. Once again I don’t know if he told the police about how his boyfriend got in and out of the house, but it became apparent that when mum was at home and possibly up and about, he climbed in through the window accessing it by climbing up on to the flat garage roof. Riley of course came and went by a more traditional route, the front door.
Five days of cat and mouse went on until some time in the late afternoon of the 8th of January according to Riley he went downstairs to the garage where his fridge was kept. According to his interview with the police, he was walking from the garage where he had gone to get food through the utility area toward the kitchen, when the lights flickered on and off at which point he saw a shadowy figure in the darkness. In fear, he reached out grabbed a nearby hammer and lashed out once.
When he realised that he had hit Antonietta and she was dead he panicked and collapsed in distress, at which point he called his boyfriend from the upstairs bedroom. Carr Burstow’s cabin fever had come to an end. Together they wrapped the body and decided to dump her in the river. Marc Riley cannot drive so it was fortunate for him that David Carr Burstow was there to help him! During further questioning Riley went on to describe the exact place and circumstance of their disposal of mums body.
If Riley was trying to minimise the killing, trying to create a story in which mums death was an accident, why did he tell the police where to find her? He must have known that when they found her body, her injuries would prove his story was false. Mum as you know suffered a sustained attack with a minimum of 12 blunt force impact blows any one of which were described as un-survivable.
Did Riley really know the extent of her injury’s?
Was Riley protecting his lover, taking the fall with his false story?
Riley confessed to killing mum with A BLOW from a hammer. Then who inflicted the other blows?

Narcissistic fat twat who on his own Facebook and Bebo profiles has to write every word in CAPITALS followed by rows and rows of "!!!!!!!" attention seeking scum bag if ever one existed. Rarely have I seen a face I wanted to slap - no boot - so badly.